About Writing Rebels®
Writing Rebels is not your normal writing service business. Why? Well, because we aren’t boring. There, someone had to say it (we know you were thinking it and have probably experienced it in the past).
How many times have you worked with a writing professional and every conversation was dry to the point you nearly fell asleep a few minutes into the conversation. Not with Writing Rebels.
We have a different approach to how your experience should be when you work with a group of writing professionals. Point blank, we like to have fun. Mind you, we are as professional as they come but with a side of “those cats are fun to work with.”
From years of being in the industry, we didn’t want to be “just like every writing service business” out there. While we’ll provide you with the highest service possible, we don’t want our relationship to be strictly thought of as a “business relationship.”
At Writing Rebels, we create a bond and friendship with our clients that makes doing business with us feel like you’re working with friends and family (but we promise we’re not like your weird Uncle Barry — that would be uncomfortable).

Matt Weik
When it comes to writing, you either love it or you hate it. Matt’s a rarity in that he seemed to have come out of the womb with a keyboard in his hands — you simply couldn’t stop him from writing stories and content. In fact, Matt Weik was the kid in school everyone rolled their eyes at when the teacher would ask if the class preferred a multiple-choice exam or an essay. As you may have guessed, Matt was the kid with his hand raised for the essay.
Fast-forward to today, Matt Weik writes for some of the largest companies across the globe, whether it be through Writing Rebels or his fitness and supplement specific business, Weik Fitness. With more than a dozen published books written, you can rarely find Matt not writing something. His writing style is unique. So unique that clients often mention that they “love the way he writes.” To this day, he still does not fully understand what exactly that means. Yet, he takes it as the ultimate compliment. Matt Weik certainly has a way with words, and it shows by the way his clients and audience engage with his content and copy.
Many of Matt’s clients globally recognize him as “The King of Content.”